
Sunday, 22 October 2017

Piano tips for Sunday's ministration

Welcome back,

Hello everyone and welcome to our blog. Today i will be showing you PREFERRED CHORDS TIPS  FOR SUNDAY 
This tips will give you guidelines  to sound professional when ministration. 
Good luck..  


 Doh chord
Lefth hand.         Right hand
Do - mi - so.             Do - mi - so
❌❌not preferred ❌❌
Left hand.              Right hand
Do - so - do.           Mi - so - ti - mi
    ✅✅preferred ✅✅

Lah chord

Left hand.       Right hand
La - do - mi.          La - do - mi
❌❌not preferred ❌❌

Left hand.              Right hand
La - mi - lah.      Do - mi - so - ti
✅✅preferred ✅✅

Tor chord

Left hand.              Right hand
Tor - re - fa.               So - to - re
❌❌not preferred ❌❌

Left hand.              Right hand
Re - La.             Fa - tor - do - fa
Tor fa la.               Re fa toh re
✅✅preferred ✅✅

Zih chord

Left hand.             Right hand
Mih - ti - mi         zi - tor - re - soh
✅✅preferred ✅✅

Read also: 5 steps that makes famous as a pianist

Tips two

➤ sometime in a song you can substitute the *doh chord* with the *fah chord* and then replace the *fah chord* with *tor chord*✅✅✅✌😉✌

➤During worship set the voice of the piano as *Grand piano* or *e-piano*  and dual it with *Synth strings* increase the volume of the string to a bit lower or higher from the grand piano. 😉😉✌

➤ During worship avoid running scale much so as to avoid distractions from congregation connecting to their maker. *Arpeggio chords* are preferred✅✅✅✌✌

 ➤ When you notice someone singing off during, don't stop immediately. Just lower the piano and search for the key chromatically. ✅✅✅✅😉😉

➤ Be in church in time and pray before the program.   😉😉✌✌

Have a blessed Sunday
