
Tuesday 29 January 2019

Interval Abbreviations

welcome back,


Intervals are used so often in describing chords and scales that they are sometimes named in an extremely abbreviated way. Learn to recognize these variations in interval names.

⇒ Perfect and major intervals are implied by no mention of their quality at all : 5 for P5 (perfect 5th), 7 for M7(major 7th), etc.

⇒ The word "sharp" or the sharp symbol (#) is often used instead of "augmented" (or its abbreviations, "aug" or "+").

⇒ The word "flat" or the flat symbol(♭) is often used instead of "min" or "m."

⇒When a perfect interval (1,4,5,or8) becomes diminished,it maybe written with one flat (♭) instead of donors,or the diminished ("0").

⇒ When a major interval (2,3,6,7) becomes minor, it too is often written with a♭ instead of minor m, for instance,♭2  instead of m2.

Note: Intervals smaller than an octave are called simple intervals.

Here are other abbreviated INTERVALS and signs.

Intervals larger than an octave are called compound intervals . They may be analyzed as a simple interval raised by an octave.

To be continued...

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